30 December 2010

Amongst the thousands of people on Bondi Beach
We play "Where's Wally?" just to keep an eye on Miro.

Luckily Uncle Ivo is there to keep him safe
And play "Splash Eylem!" over and over!

29 December 2010

Bored while Mummy and Daddy renew their vows...
But excited in the restaurant after!

28 December 2010

In an effort to make sleeping arrangements more harmonious,
Matai's cot is relocated from Miro's room to next door,
And a few soft toys thrown encouragingly about
To let Tai know that his bed is not such a bad place!

Miro, fully aware of this fact,
Can't resist throwing everything in,
And bouncing on the mattress, undoing all our convinctions.

Later, Matai gets his own back
By commandeering the racing car!

27 December 2010

Miro, Daddy and Bandoo make a gingerbread house
With endearingly wobbly walls and a saggy roof.

But no builder proud of his creation,

Before it has been standing even one hour,
Miro starts to pick it apart and munch it down to the ground.

26 December 2010

Christmas morning at our house...

Miro finds Santa, knowing just what he likes,
Brought him his own little kitchen,
And is in awe...

25 December 2010

Xmas Day starts with pancakes under the cumquat tree,
Peaks with a swim for beercans in Leelee's backyard
And settles back down into the warm glow of copious lunch...
And even more gateau.

24 December 2010

Miro begins his Xmas Eve
Ripping into Xmas presents
With motorised action-figure arm
And breathless intensity.

Later, he giggles with Archie,
Heads together, laughing in fits,
As they play with trains and push each other around in the pushcar.

Finally, it's time for Xmas Eve dinner at Ayden's
Where, plum-tuckered out, the boys play, then collapse
In the gentle glow and soothing tones of Thomas on TV.

23 December 2010

Wrapping last minute presents with Bandoo
Sees them not only beautiful, but strategically-placed!

22 December 2010

Miro plays with Daddy when he surprises him, home from work.

21 December 2010

Miro spends the day being spoiled by
Julie and Bill, Lori and Don, and of course Steve and Lucy.

Stealing Christmas pudding and chocolates by the handful,
He wades in the lake, runs apples on the grass,
Commandeers the hammock, and has a piano lesson.

To top it all off, he receives a steamroller.
A steamroller!

20 December 2010

Angy-Pangy love and idolation
Sees Miro mute for the first few minutes
And madly bonding over chooks and the My-Pad shortly after...

19 December 2010

Sunday is... pulling faces while Nanna cuts his hair;
Cooking play-doh for two hours straight with Bandoo;
And standing on top of an enormous "houfe", watching the storm close in...

18 December 2010

So busy cooking with his toy vegetable set and play-doh,
Miro almost misses Christmas lunch itself,

And only hovers by elbows and crawls onto laps
When the urge (or a gigantic pavlova) takes him.

17 December 2010

Miro refuses to wear his new underpants
And Daddy isn't allowed to wear them, either!

Later, as the sun disappears behind the houses
Miro runs up and down the verandah ceaselessly,
Playing with Mummy's panning.

16 December 2010

Miro LOVES cooking
And whenever we're in the kitchen, drags his little chair to stand on
So he can help with some stirring, or tasting, or pouring.

Here he is, cooking some Anzac biscuits.

15 December 2010

Miro's first weewee on the potty
Completed to whoops and enthusiastic cheers!

14 December 2010

The ongoing Soccer saga...

The morning starts with a false sense of success
When Miro agrees to wear his uniform.

Unlike the last week.

He continues to lull us into a feeling of optimism
When, at the promise of biscuits,
He makes half an effort to put coloured discs on the coloured witches hats.

But then, a return to the Miro we know and love...

Finding the biscuits will not be forthcoming until after the class
Refuses to chase Coach Mark with the others,
And goes stagnant and sullen in the face of Bandoo's pep talk...

He stands immobile and with a face like this
For the rest of the lesson.

Before finally consenting to a Christmas group photo
Where he spends most of the time at the back,
Emerging only for the chocolate Santas given out at the end.

Likelihood of signing up for another term? O!

13 December 2010

Today, every time the camera comes out,
Miro is fuelled by a chocolate-digital melange
To going squeal-about-the-house crazy!

12 December 2010

Relaxing in the backyard, kicking balls,
Splashing in the clam shell
And loving little brother.

11 December 2010

Summertime slip n slide in the scorching backyard
Where children are whisked under armpit, and hurled pellmell
Down the oily plastic and onto the glorious, gritty grass.

10 December 2010

Miro in an all-night stand-off,
Refusing to go to sleep unless we lie beside him.

Bedtime: 11pm.

9 December 2010

Hanging out, watching the Mypad,
Eating icypoles, with Din's hand as your headrest.
Yep, life's pretty good !

8 December 2010

Miro getting down and groovy
While Archie plays the drum.

7 December 2010

The best afternoon ever
On Ocean Beach with Archie,
Surfing on kickboards, eating chocolate icecreams,
And running bare-bottomed in the whitewash.

6 December 2010

Miro's favourite new activity is to probe the toy catalogues,
Reading them lovingly, again and again,
Pointing out the dream trucks he would like to have,
Until the paper is soft with fingered creases.

5 December 2010

Miro is not always happy for his little brother
To muscle in on his playtime with cars and friends.

But as only 2 years old can be, he's also ever so protective
If one of those friends comes near Matai !

4 December 2010

Tomas being scared of a big black cat
Is like a toddler row of dominos
Because seconds after this, Miro bursts into tears as well.

Though not for too long, because there are ducks to feed
And sand to jump on, and Topi presents to play with,
And train sets to assemble, and hugs to have.

3 December 2010

Miro flies his first kite with Daddy.
So much fun!