30 August 2010

Mummy momentously cuts off her hair so cherished by Miro
And beforehand, drops the boys off at Daddy's work.

Miro entertains her by shouting out
At all the passing officeworkers
And swinging on the chairs, and generally going crazy.

29 August 2010

Miro in a haircut standoff
Where Mummy manages two snips, and that's all!

28 August 2010

Miro dons cousin Angus' fancy Little Prince outfit
To celebrate at Din's birthday BBQ
Where chicken sausages are a-plenty
But none so nice as plain old "pain" !

...and later

Is it a bird?
Is it a plane?
No, it's a tantrum !

27 August 2010

Bathing beauties share giggles in bed
And more in their morning bathtub.

Before bearing Gateau to Din and Nanny's house
For Din's birthday, pizzas and fun.

26 August 2010

BMX Bandit, Evil-Knievel,
Likes to run his wheels over Matai's exploring fingers,
Wedge himself under the highchair before yelping for assistance,
Or run full pelter down the three steps, fully seated.

After so much lunch fun, it's no surprise that he won't go to sleep
And Mummy finds him, nappy off, proudly twiddling,
And laughing that he's got one over her.
He can't go to bed with no pants on!

25 August 2010

After shopping Wednesday, Miro takes his favourite position
On Din's lap for i-Pad - Angry Birds, French vocab and Numbers.

24 August 2010

After Art n Move, Miro is enamoured
With his classmate Niamh, and courts her
On the rotating circle; the slides...

23 August 2010


Devoured with a "Pork" and a "Poon"
Next to bebe "Patai"

22 August 2010

Morning of babycinos in the chilly Cafe Creme carpark,
Followed by driving a dingie on Pittwater,
Chasing wallabies at the Basin, accidentally swimming in icy water,
Crying, getting rugged up again, and getting silly with licks and bites of Mummy's hair.

21 August 2010

At the carwash, yeah...

20 August 2010

Tantrums on the floor...
Over nothing in particular !

19 August 2010

Today is the day that Miro
Chooses the alphabet over Thomas
And spends an hour tracing letters with a pen

As well as learning to recognise the two of the four most significant:
M and O !

18 August 2010

Uncle Daney round for dinner...
Big toy mess and apple sponge!

17 August 2010

After Art n Move class, and before a Nanny luncheon,
Miro spends an hour in the chilly sunshine
Thrilling on the slide, and balancing elsewhere.

16 August 2010

After a wHingy day
Miro redeems himself
By angelically, earnestly
Vacuuming the loungeroom

15 August 2010

Snotty-nosed Me Machine
Staking his territory at the sliding door...

14 August 2010

Bushwalks at Bathurst with Daddy
Where sheep and dusty bulls are spotted
And Miro plays for hours in the rocky garden.

13 August 2010

Miro always manages to tempt his 93 year old Aunty Jean
Into running circles round the kitchen table with him
Or joining him in the dappled backyard.

But when Aunty Jean retreats, saying "I couldn't lift him!"
Din comes out and thrills him with big pushes
And kicks of the soccer ball around the Hills Hoist and veggie patch.

12 August 2010

Miro has finally come to accept
That Matai has the highchair...

The bottle, the nounous, the toys...
Not so much.

11 August 2010

On a rainy day
A little Archie
Will always bring a smile

10 August 2010

~ Workman's lunch with Din ~
On the commencement of building the Maitre boys a new room

9 August 2010

At Nanny's birthday in the nursery
Miro is quickly wHingy for his promised gateau
And hovers around the cafe hopefully,
Finally resorting to being knowingly naughty
By eating sugar till we come!

8 August 2010

A sunny day in Pyrmont Park
With cooked chook, coleslaw and sparkly juice;
With Ayden for running with, and water for running in;
And an almost shocked expression when the thrill is gone,
And he discovers himself winter wet and freezing.

7 August 2010

Car-hunting with Miro is pretty easy~
You just ask him "do you like it?" for the first one you try
And he says "Yeah". And that's it!

6 August 2010

Miro loves practicing to read
And spells out letters wherever he sees them...

Most of the time they are an "e" or an "a"
But who's counting ?!

5 August 2010

At Nanny's birthday gateau celebrations
A last minute letdown leads us to new cafe pastures
Where Miro takes sole possession of the Mars Bar Cheesecake, icecream and chantilly
And submits to Nanny wiping his sticky face clean at the end...

4 August 2010

At the airport
Wanting Toy Story
But getting Topi

3 August 2010

Aunty Sloane means~
Strawberry milk and chocolate gateau~
Cuddly Milou and great ships that strike icebergs~
Chasies through the pedestrian mall~
And getting stuck on one-level elevators.

Inspired, it is also the day where Miro says "Miro" for the first time!
It goes as follows:

Miro: "Mi-o! Mi-o!"
Mummy: "Miro, are you saying Miro?"
Miro: No!
Mummy: "But you just said "Miro!"
Miro: "No Mi-o!"

2 August 2010

Chippy time with Nanna in downtown William Street
On Miro's first nice day in a week!

1 August 2010

After a big night on the town, Miro is wHingy
And Matai just wants to chew or be walking already...

In Daddy's and Mummy's arms, all competition is on
For affections and permanent attention.

31 July 2010

At Aunt Gena's 21st birthday party
Miro is enamoured with the incredible (edible) gateau Gen
And the whole chocolate cake beneath it.

30 July 2010

After arriving in Melbourne on a blustery winter's night
Miro finds a veritable stash of snakes and chocolate, chippies and diet coke
Waiting in Nanna's Docklands flat.