Daddy brought home a strange new toy. Business motivational workshops may be best enjoyed by joyless suit-ors, but paraphenalia is enjoyed most perfectly by those with no knowledge of business at all.
While Mummy and Daddy are spending their Sunday playing with silver paper, Miro is justifiably bored (he's been to this exhibition twice already! sheesh!) and so goes to sleep in his pram.
Miro spent the afternoon at the beach. It was the first time he'd had so much fun, what with the sand to eat, and the towel to dribble on. Daddy read a book on cheese-making, and Mummy helped him bare his bottom to the sun.
We went to Manly for the Manly Jazz Festival. It rained, but we loved it... we all felt a bit like the girl on the "It's Got To Be Perfect" video, even if Miro doesn't remember her, and B's never heard of her.